drumbit Plus


drumbit Overview

[1] Only available in the web App.

[2] In the Free edition instead of the ellipsis button have the clear all button.


Use the left and right arrow keys to adjust volumes/levels; double click in the volume control to mute (other "sliders" have custom behaviors).

Drag and drop drumbit's files onto the application window to open them. You can also use drag and drop inside the application to move panels like Panning or Filters.

Use the demos as a starting point for building your own patterns.

  1. Master volume - Main volume control. The recording level is also adjusted here.
  2. Tempo - Sets the tempo (beats per minute). Can be adjusted from 40 to 240 bpm.
  3. Swing - Adds a "swing factor" to the beat.
  4. Kit - Drum kit selection.
  5. Room Effects - Effect selection with control of level.
  6. Demos - Patterns examples.
  7. Filters - Enable/disable.
  8. Keys Mode [1] - Let's you use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate the step sequencer.
  9. Step Sequencer - Select the beats that will play or not.
  10. Panning - Left-right distribution.
  11. Filters - Compression, lowpass-pass and high-pass filters settings.
  12. Preferences - Sets startup default values.
  13. Plus - Get Plus edition from webstore.
  14. Help - Opens help page.
  15. EQ visualizer - Choose a color.
  16. Open file - Opens drumbit file previously saved.
  17. Save file - Saves in a file the rhythm patterns you created.
  18. Ellipsis Button [2]
    1. New - Creates a new drumbit with your preferences.
    2. File Metadata - Allows you to save metadata information along with your patterns.
    3. Clear All - Clears all patterns
  19. Clear - Clears selected pattern.
  20. Record - Starts/Stops recording. After stopping generates a WAV file.
  21. Select pattern - Selects pattern to edit.
  22. Play - Plays/Stops (patterns that were filled).
  23. Track volume - Controls the volume for each track.
  24. Instrument pitch - Sets the original pitch lower or higher.


  1. Track - The track to which the the panning is applied.
  2. Pan control - Left-right distribution of the sound signal.

Filters: Compressor

Filters: Compressor
  1. Threshold - The decibel value above which the compression will start taking effect.
  2. Ratio - The amount of dB change in input for a 1 dB change in output.
  3. Attack - The amount of time (in seconds) to reduce the gain by 10dB.
  4. Release - The amount of time (in seconds) to increase the gain by 10dB.
  5. Knee - A decibel value representing the range above the threshold where the curve smoothly transitions to the "ratio" portion.

Filters: Low-pass

Filters: Low-pass
  1. Frequency - The cutoff frequency.
  2. Q - Controls how peaked the response will be at the cutoff frequency.

Filters: High-pass

Filters: High-pass
  1. Frequency - The cutoff frequency below which the frequencies are attenuated.
  2. Q - Controls how peaked the response will be at the cutoff frequency.


  1. Master Volume - Default master volume level at startup.
  2. Tempo - Default tempo at startup.
  3. Kit - Default drum kit at startup.
  4. Keep the Last - Enable/disable the saving in local storage of the last work done.
  5. Tooltips - Enable/disable tooltips.
  6. Keys Mode - Enable/disable Key Mode.
  7. Reset - Reset all settings to their defaults

Copy & Paste


Right click the pattern selector to copy/paste patterns (context menu).

Shortcut keys

Space bar Starts/stops playing
Ctrl + Space bar Starts/stops recording
Ctrl + c Copy selected pattern
Ctrl + v Paste into selected pattern
Ctrl + o [1] Open drumbit file
Ctrl + s [1] Save drumbit file
Shift + n [2] New drumbit
Ctrl + l [1] Clear selected pattern
Ctrl + a [1] Clears all the patterns along with panning, volumes and pitches
Shift + m [2] Opens the File Metadata dialog box
Shift + k [2] Toggles on/off the Keys Mode
Ctrl + g [1] Opens Panning
Ctrl + f [1] Opens Filters
Ctrl + p [1] Opens preferences
Ctrl + h [1] Opens help page
Escape Closes panels (Panning, Filters, Preferences) or context menus

Keys Mode [2]

Arrows right and left Navigates through the steps
Arrows up and down Navigates through the tracks
x or 0 (Numpad) Hits the selected step

[1] Shift + key in web edition.
[2] Only available in the web app edition.


drumbit Plus Overview


You can use the arrow keys to adjust volumes/levels; double click in the volume control to mute (other "sliders" have custom behaviors).

You can drag and drop drumbit's files onto the application window to open them. You can also use drag and drop inside the application to move panels like Panning or Filters.

You can use the demos as a starting point for building your own patterns.

You can use 12 steps for flexible time signatures. For instance, 3/4; 12/8; 4/4 with triplets.

When selecting the steps to play you can press the keys "z" or "x" to adjust the sensitivity.

  1. Master volume - Main volume control. The recording level is also adjusted here.
  2. Tempo - Sets the tempo (beats per minute). Can be adjusted from 40 to 240 bpm.
  3. Swing - Adds a "swing factor" to the beat.
  4. Kit - Drum kit selection.
  5. Room Effects - Effect selection with control of level.
  6. Demos - Patterns examples.
  7. Filters - Enable/disable.
  8. Keys Mode - Let's you use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate the step sequencer.
  9. Step Sequencer - Select the beats that will play or not.
  10. Kits - Custom kits manager
  11. Panning - Left-right distribution.
  12. Filters - Compression, lowpass-pass and high-pass filters settings.
  13. Preferences - Sets startup default values.
  14. Help - Opens help page.
  15. EQ visualizer - Choose a color.
  16. Open file - Opens drumbit file previously saved.
  17. Save file - Saves in a file the rhythm patterns you created.
  18. Ellipsis Button
    1. New - Creates a new drumbit with your preferences.
    2. File Metadata - Allows you to save metadata information along with your patterns.
    3. Clear All - Clears all patterns
  19. Clear - Clears selected pattern.
  20. Record - Starts/Stops recording. After stopping generates a WAV file.
  21. Select bank - 4 Patterns available per bank.
  22. Play - Plays/Stops (patterns that were filled).
  23. Select pattern - Selects pattern to edit.
  24. Steps & loop length - Number of steps (16 or 12) and loop length.
  25. Track volume - Controls the volume for each track.
  26. Instrument pitch - Sets the original pitch lower or higher.
  27. Step sensitivity - Right click the step and adjust its "sensitivity".


  1. Track - The track to which the the panning is applied.
  2. Pan control - Left-right distribution of the sound signal.

Filters: Compressor

Filters: Compressor
  1. Threshold - The decibel value above which the compression will start taking effect.
  2. Ratio - The amount of dB change in input for a 1 dB change in output.
  3. Attack - The amount of time (in seconds) to reduce the gain by 10dB.
  4. Release - The amount of time (in seconds) to increase the gain by 10dB.
  5. Knee - A decibel value representing the range above the threshold where the curve smoothly transitions to the "ratio" portion.

Filters: Low-pass

Filters: Low-pass
  1. Frequency - The cutoff frequency.
  2. Q - Controls how peaked the response will be at the cutoff frequency.

Filters: High-pass

Filters: High-pass
  1. Frequency - The cutoff frequency below which the frequencies are attenuated.
  2. Q - Controls how peaked the response will be at the cutoff frequency.


  1. Master Volume - Default master volume level at startup.
  2. Tempo - Default tempo at startup.
  3. Kit - Default drum kit at startup.
  4. Keep the Last - Enable/disable the saving in local storage of the last work done.
  5. Tooltips - Enable/disable tooltips.
  6. Keys Mode - Enable/disable Key Mode.
  7. Reset - Reset all settings to their defaults

Copy & Paste Bank

Copy/Paste Bank

Right click the bank selector to copy/paste banks (context menu).

Copy & Paste Pattern

Copy/Paste Pattern

Right click the pattern selector to copy/paste patterns (context menu).

Steps & Loop length

Steps and Loop length
  1. Steps - Choose from 16 or 12 steps.
  2. Loop length - Sets the length of the loop. If set to auto, the loop limit is defined when it finds an empty pattern.

Custom Kits Manager

Custom Kits Manager Overview
  1. Built-in Samples - Samples that were shipped with the app installation. You can use them to build your custom kits.
  2. User Samples - Samples that you added to your samples folder.
  3. Add Samples Folder - Assign folders in your computer that will contain samples for use in your custom kits.
  4. Insert sample - Insert selected sample (from built-in samples or user samples) in the new kit.
  5. New Kit - Samples added to the new kit.
  6. Reorder samples - The order in which the samples will appear in the sequencer tracks
  7. Kit name - Name for the new custom kit.
  8. Save kit - Save the new kit.
  9. Clear kit - Remove all the samples added for the new kit.
  10. Custom kits - List of your custom kits.
  11. Reorder custom kits - The order in which the custom kits will appear in the kits list (after the built-in kits).

You can double click a sample (built-in samples or user samples) to insert it in the new kit.

New Kit

New Kit
  1. Play - Play selected sample.
  2. Delete - Delete selected sample.

Custom Kits

Custom Kits
  1. Edit - Edit selected kit.
  2. Delete - Delete selected kit.

Shortcut keys

Space bar Starts/stops playing
Ctrl + Space bar Starts/stops recording
Ctrl + c Copy selected pattern
Ctrl + v Paste into selected pattern
Ctrl + o Open drumbit file
Ctrl + s Save drumbit file
Ctrl + n New drumbit
Ctrl + l Clear selected pattern
Ctrl + a Clears all the patterns along with panning, volumes and pitches
Ctrl + m Opens the File Metadata dialog box
Ctrl + k Opens custom kits manager
Shift + k Toggles on/off the Keys Mode
Ctrl + g Opens Panning
Ctrl + f Opens Filters
Ctrl + p Opens preferences
Ctrl + h Opens help page
Alt Toggles visibility of number of steps & loop length controls
Escape Closes panels (Panning, Filters, Preferences) or context menus
Click (Step) + z Step Sensitivity: 1/3
Click (Step) + x Step Sensitivity: 2/3

Keys Mode

Arrows right and left Navigates through the steps
Arrows up and down Navigates through the tracks
x or 0 (Numpad) Hits the selected step